tell application "System Events" repeat set pList to name of every process whose visible is true and frontmost is true if (pList = {"Finder"}) then my front_app() else if (pList = {"System Preferences"}) then my quiet_app() else my other_app() end if --何秒おきに監視するかの秒数 delay 3 end repeat end tell --システム環境設定を開いている間は何もしない on quiet_app() end quiet_app --Finderがアクティブの場合 on front_app() my open_pref() my open_univ() tell application "System Events" if UI elements enabled then tell slider "カーソルのサイズ:" of tab group 1 of window "ユニバーサルアクセス" of application process "System Preferences" set value to 4 end tell end if end tell end front_app --他がアクティブの場合 on other_app() my open_pref() my open_univ() tell application "System Events" tell slider "カーソルのサイズ:" of tab group 1 of window "ユニバーサルアクセス" of application process "System Preferences" set value to 1 end tell end tell end other_app --システム環境設定 > マウス を開く動作 on open_pref() tell application "System Preferences" set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.mouse" end tell end open_pref --システム環境設定 > ユニバーサルアクセス を開く動作 on open_univ() tell application "System Preferences" set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.universalaccess" end tell end open_univ